Location - Chania

Chania town is well documented and information can be found on many websites, usually aimed at prospective tourists. This is exactly what should be available to everyone and its good to promote Chania as one of most interesting and unique cities in the world.

The visible history of Chania is fascinating, there are many places of interest to visit, and would need a whole day of ones holiday, to give it justice. On a trip around Chania, look out for the following sites, the old town, around the Venetian harbour(also night-life with many bars and clubs), the lighthouse and naval museum, leather lane, and the archeological museum.

When you live here and seen everthing, Chania tends to become a little more than functional. It becomes the place where you need to go to do something, paying bills, shopping for specific items, tax office, not for the sheer pleasure of walking around Chania.

The further away you live from Chania the less often you are likely to visit, and plan your your trip with a list of things you need to do all in one day. This of course has to take into account that all offices and shops shut at 2pm, this tends to get a bit irritating, but if you plan well you can get most things done quickly.

Buying a property or business in Crete involves many visits to Chania, because this is where all the offices are situated, including the fire station, solicitors, chamber of commerce, archetect, estate agent and many more and doing this is not so comfortabe during the summer months in Chania.

This is of course if you know Chania and where everthing is you will be ok, but if not, ask for help.

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