Climate & Weather in Crete

Current Weather -

The climate in Crete during the summer months is guaranteed sunshine with temperatures reaching 35 degrees centigrade. There is a wind from the north that can be quite strong at times.

In the winter the climate is rainy and cloudy making it a damp atmosphere the rain can be very spectacular with very strong downpours.

Thunder storms are fairly regular and can be very strong with high winds and torrential rain. The coldest it gets is a low of approx 6-8 degrees centigrade.

When its not raining in Crete and the sun shines its perfect for walking along a deserted beach. We enjoy the winter just as much as the summer but when the summer starts its a great feeling because you know its going to be good!

Weather Forecasts

Earthquakes are difficult to explain until you have had the experience - January 8th 2006. How is it possible to understand that somebody is moving your house from side to side. Maybe you could say that living in Crete is a moving experience.

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