Roads in Crete

There are rules for driving in Crete just like everywhere else, but generally speaking nobody seems to abide by them, for example in the UK we observe zebra crossing's code strictly, here it does not seem to exist. If you happen to come across a zebra crossing on your travels, you will notice that a Greek driver will ignore it. However, there are rules which the police make regular spot checks, that you should be aware of when on the road.

Speed Limits

There are speed traps in Crete and in places where it's easy to go over the speed limit. Most people know where the favourite places the police make stop checks, ask around and find out.

  • on the motorway 100kph
  • country roads 80kph
  • built-up areas: 50kph


must be worn in both front and rear seats at all times. Children under 10 years must sit in the back seat. At a police stop check you will be fined if you are not wearing your seatbelt.

The drinking and driving limit in Greece is 50 mgr blood alcohol level, it's a criminal offence 80 mgr or over and is heavily penalised.

Petrol stations

Generally open throughout the day until evening Monday to Saturday. Only very few are open after 10.00 pm. On Sundays and holidays some are open and some are closed so you may have to drive around for a while before you find an open one.


Most mechanics work from around 8.00 pm to 4.00 pm Mondays to Friday. Some open on Saturday morning as well.

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