Tax number in Crete

A tax number is essential when buying land or property or starting a business, buying a car and working in Crete.

You need to visit the tax office in Chania or your local tax office to make your application, which can be a complicated process if you are new to the Greek language and the tax office.

We can help you with this process as tax offices in Crete are difficult and confusing, or either your accountant or lawyer can do this for you, if not by yourself.

Make sure you have the relevant original documents and photocopies, like birth certificate, marriage certificate and passport, plus passport sized photos.

Don't forget to visit your accountant every year to provide details for your tax return, even if it's nil, better to have a tax document returned to you as proof of submission.

There are living costs, like house rental, that you can submit with your tax return, your accountant should advise you what is necessary.

The tax year ends in December and tax returns should be sent well before the end of May, best to do it as soon as you can.

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