Telephones in Crete

Getting a connection

You need apply to the Greek Telephone Organisation (OTE) in person at their main office in Chania take your tax number, passport and residency card with you.

If your are renting a house you will have to ask your landlord to apply for your telephone and internet connection its best to ask first before your rent.

If you move into a place with an existing phone line that you want to change your name then you and the previous owner must provide the relevant documents together at the OTE office.

There is a connection fee of around 25 euros.

When ordering your phone at the OTE office make sure that you give an accurate description of your location, otherwise they will attempt to find you, if they can't they will give up and not try again.

The cost of rental is around 20 euro for two months.

[Updated - 08/10/2011] -> The cost of rental is now €25.20

Phone Cards

If you are temporarily without a fixed line, then prepaid phonecards are the best option, you get them at most supermarkets. There are two types of prepaid cards, those issued by OTE that work with public phones and cards issued by various operators that work from any fixed line.


Crete has an abundance shops that can deal with mobile phones the best way is to bring your mobile and change your SIMM card to a Crete system, they all work very well and on the same basis as in the UK.

Telephone offices

The main phone office in Chania is open from very early morning to midnight for international calls and similar services the administrative offices of OTE are open in the morning only.


The main post-offices are open Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm and Saturday 8.00 till 2.00 pm. Other post-offices will generally be open from 8.00 till 2.00 only from Monday to Friday.

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