Property Management

Is anybody at home?

Our Services are provided for houseowners who need the assurance that their house in Crete is being well looked after whilst they are absent.

Especially important during the winter months when there is the possibilty of strong storms and heavy rainfall.

We can prepare your house for occupation and close down the property after leaving. During the time of your absense we can make inspection visits to your house at your request.

Key holding

Annual charge €50

Inspection Visits

The frequency of visits is your choice.

Inspection includes the following checks:-

  • for any damage to the house or fixtures surrounding,
  • for rain leakage under doors and windows,
  • for all security measures after strong winds,
  • for all utility services and appliances,
  • removal of storm related debris,
  • for all watering needs during summer,
  • General all round status report with recommendations,

Monthly Charges:- for inspections that are planned and agreed in advance

  • One visit €25
  • Two visits €45
  • Weekly visits €65


Our Quick-break service is now available, if you need to leave your home quickly for any reason all you need to do is contact us. We will visit your house at the earliest time after departure to ensure that everything safe. There is nothing worse than thinking did I turn the oven off, whilst at the check-in desk at the airport.

Quick-break Charges: for inspections that are not planned.

  • Key holding annual fee €50
  • Call out deposit €45

Clients with planned visits can also use this service

A Property Management company based in Platanias, Crete, our service covers properties from Chania to Kolimbari.

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