On our living in Crete pages you will find all the basic information on life in Crete that you will need if you are thinking of moving to live and work in Crete, your household utilities, car, health, shops, the media and driving.
Moving to a a foriegn is something that needs to be considered seriously, a lot of people make the mistake of assuming that everything is the same as at home except the weather is better.
The way of life in Crete is different to what we are used to at home, not for any major reason, only basic cultural and traditional differences.
Many come in search of the Cretan dream and a lot return home very quickly. Why is it like this? The first is that when on holiday in Crete we get it all wrong, its not the same as actually living in Crete. A holiday is a short period of relaxation in a foreign country with great weather and surroundings, but the culture shock and language change can be very difficult to deal with if you are not prepared.
Our pages provide information to clarify the reality of living in crete, giving a better idea of what to expect before arriving in Crete. Constantly updating our pages as regulations and procedures are changing all the time in Crete.
Property in Crete is probably one of the main considerations and for this reason we have included our Crete property map and the website search page.